CASA Youth Advocates, Inc.
Advocacy and assistance with abused and neglected children, court appointed special advocates.
Court Financial Services
Information for victims of crime on restitution payments.
Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County (DAP)
Legal advocacy, counseling, shelter and other assistance.
Family Support Line
Counseling, referral and support for child victims of sexual abuse.
Children & Youth Services (CYS)
Counseling, advocacy and services for abused and neglected children.
610.477.1000 Eddystone Office
610.713.2000 Upper Darby Office
Office of the District Attorney Senior Victims Services
Advocacy, court accompaniment, VCAP application assistance, information and referrals for victims of crime over 55 years of age.
County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA)
Information and referral, in-home care management and protective services for victims 60 and over.